too much of nothing is a good thing
the general question of the week has been "so, what did you do in Tunisia?". The answer has invariably been "nothing". And I don't know why people look so very perplexed when I say this because they look at me like, what do you mean nothing? Did you check out the sights? Did you get some culture? Did you have some local food (me of all people)? The answer is still a resounding no. We spent two and a half days doing sweet f*** all, just lying by the pool soaking up the rays and our most strenuous activity all weekend was the lazy stroll we took down the beach.
Tunisia is heavenly!

After two almost back to back city holidays in May, I was in dire need of a relaxing holiday, one where I wasn't forced (and I do tell Panu that this has got to be some form of abuse) to walk miles upon miles upon miles. My little feetlings (and my body, mind and soul) needed some pampering, and Tunisia offered just that (at a fraction of the cost of travelling in Europe too).
I even managed to get a tan, albeit I got more than I bargained for in some places. But even that has now turned a great shade of sexy brown. After three days, we were rudely thrusted back into the London gloom (although, it has been less gloom than regular gloom lately)... and Tunisia now seems a figment of my imagination.
More photos here.
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