25 things about me

but this one's a little different. this one simply asks you to list 25 random things about yourself. which is a hell of a lot more interesting to read than the usual. and much more to write.
here's mine, for those who aren't on my facebook:
1. I've lived in every capital city in Australia (yes this includes Hobart) except Darwin and Adelaide... but I don’t think I want to live there anyway!
2. Catherine Lee is not the name on my birth certificate.
3. I have 110 first (yes, FIRST) cousins. For real.
4. In reference to the above, this is because my dad is one of 14 kids and my mum is one of 11. And one of my aunties on my dad’s side has 18 kids of her own. I know, we are one big creepy family!
5. I have not read one Harry Potter book and will never. However, I DO love to read and always have a book on the go. Last night, just finished American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Awesome.
6. I am an ice cream freak. I LOVE it, i eat it every day (the rare days I don’t, I have to consciously NOT eat it for health reasons!). No particular favourite flavour (they are like my children – i love them all!) but prefer ice creams and gelatos to sorbets. I’m impartial to chocolate.
7. I have no qualms about doing my business in a hole out in the bush. My dad brought me up to be tough like that :)
8. I named my car (which i sold to move to London) Ribena Berry cos he was small and round and purple. Nickname Bezza.
9. I cannot dance. Nothing which includes proper steps, nothing which includes a partner, nothing choreographed. I’m great with doof doof music though :)
10. I think good pizza should have mountains of topping.. unlike the pizza they have in Italy.
11. I have a blog and I write in it almost every day.. since 2004. It’s like therapy for me.
12. Speaking of therapy, i need a massage frequently and i like them hard. I was once told by a masseuse that he had never used so much pressure on anybody (including men) and here I am, a 5 foot tall little girl.
13. I have a motorbike licence. Haven’t had a bike in years though.
14. I’m a huge dog lover, missing my baby Gizmo in Oz and planning to get one as soon as we’re back home. To me, not loving dogs is totally a breakup-able offence. Totally.
15. I’m addicted to trashy reality tv shows – Survivor (still love Rob & Amber), Amazing Race, Top Model, Project Runway/Catwalk, and yes... even Girlicious. DEAR GOD. I hate Big Brother though. When i feel like being more sensible, I watch 90210 or Californication :) Oh ok ok, when I feel like being really sensible, I watch documentaries, especially ones about history and nature and aliens and all that sort of stuff.
16. I have a boyfriend who I adore to bits, but I constantly have celeb crushes. Most notably, Fernando Torres, Chris Evans, Paul Walker, Josh Hartnett and the unparalleled Mr Johnny Depp.
17. EVERY time i go to the hair dressers i say I want to do something different with my hair. Every time, i swear. And i always look the same. I’ve looked like this since i was 12.
18. Most people think I’m a really nice person. But i think i can be the most super of all bitches. If you want to see that, just piss me off.
19. I am CONVINCED there are creatures deep in the ocean that we haven’t discovered. Big ones. I also believe in alien life.
20. Against what may be popular belief (and what is stereotypically my gender), i don’t like shopping. I can’t just ‘browse’. If i want to get something, i go get it and that’s that.
21. My best friend in uni was Leon, a boy, and we used to hang out all the time, we’d eat each others food and sleep over each others places. Everyone thought we were going out, except we weren’t. We did agree that if we were single at 40, we’d get hitched.. but I told him I’d have to have all my babies before that so I didn’t have to sleep with him. Yep, its that type of relationship :)
22. I never used to cry.. i don’t know why but i went through a great number of years without shedding one tear. And then one day, I cried.. and the flood gates broke. Now i am a frickin’ crier, I cry about everything – happy or sad – and I cant stop it! I cried the whole way through the Sex and the City movie. I mean, seriously?!
23. I’m pretty uncoordinated at computer games.. my brother used to kick my ass and even now I semi suck at Wii. I'm the King of Tetris and Minesweeper tho! :)
24. I’m allergic to Vodka, which bites because most cocktails involve some form of Vodka. But that’s ok, I still looove Chambord, and recently rediscovered Frangelico. Oh and not to forget my friend, Tequila! Speaking of alcohol, I can down quite a number of spirits and be ok, but one glass of wine and I am completely drunk. What’s up with that?
25. Coriander and parsley taste exactly the same to me. And I hate them both.
I cried the entire way through SATC too. I cry even thinking about it, so don't be ashamed.
but then i watched the movie again and cried just as much and THEN i watched it a THIRD time and cried more! dear me...
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