happy love day

Valentine’s day, a Hallmark day to rival any other. Rather, to stampede on all others. I was once told that florists make more money on Valentine’s day, just this one day, than on every other day of the year combined. I mean, is that just insane? For a completely made up day?
While I’m not a frothing-at-the-mouth anti-Vday lunatic, I do believe that the day was created to take advantage of those blindly in love, laying duty in men’s hearts and desire in women’s, so that gifts are given that day, plus flowers, plus chocolates, plus a prerequisite card. The blindness of love is a Godsend on this day, because without it, you would see that Hallmark had just yanked the biggest leg of all, pocketing billions upon billions, on this one day.
Having said all that, Valentine’s day does bring happiness to a significant number of people in this world, and no one will question that. Couples are loved up, and singles party on, on what is probably the easiest day of the year to spot fellow singles. So I don’t hate, not at all.
In fact I had a good ol’ time on the big V-day. Starting the day with a run at the gym (the nutter that I am), we spent the afternoon wandering around Borough Markets, nibbling on various exotic and organic goodies. Dinner was prime Argentinian steak, courtesy of Gaucho, and we spent the evening, romantically with 20,000 other Londoners at the O2, watching my absolute hands-down favourite, Russell Peters. I laughed til i was in pain... loving, loving not being at an overpriced candle-lit dinner, but instead being with my baby, both streaming tears of laughter.
I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day, whatever you did. To each his own, and to each, much love.
While I’m not a frothing-at-the-mouth anti-Vday lunatic, I do believe that the day was created to take advantage of those blindly in love, laying duty in men’s hearts and desire in women’s, so that gifts are given that day, plus flowers, plus chocolates, plus a prerequisite card. The blindness of love is a Godsend on this day, because without it, you would see that Hallmark had just yanked the biggest leg of all, pocketing billions upon billions, on this one day.
Having said all that, Valentine’s day does bring happiness to a significant number of people in this world, and no one will question that. Couples are loved up, and singles party on, on what is probably the easiest day of the year to spot fellow singles. So I don’t hate, not at all.
In fact I had a good ol’ time on the big V-day. Starting the day with a run at the gym (the nutter that I am), we spent the afternoon wandering around Borough Markets, nibbling on various exotic and organic goodies. Dinner was prime Argentinian steak, courtesy of Gaucho, and we spent the evening, romantically with 20,000 other Londoners at the O2, watching my absolute hands-down favourite, Russell Peters. I laughed til i was in pain... loving, loving not being at an overpriced candle-lit dinner, but instead being with my baby, both streaming tears of laughter.
I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day, whatever you did. To each his own, and to each, much love.
In the US of A, the 2009 economy requires a bit more Valentine's Day realism.
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