winter wonderland
On Sunday night, it started snowing here in London, tiny little snowflakes which, based on my experience of ‘snow’ in London, would melt into muddy puddles on the sidewalk. I wasn’t particularly excited, just a little bit cold.
But on Monday morning, we woke up to a rather pleasant surprise. Overnight, the snowfall had been so heavy that by morning, London was covered in snow, 6 inches at least and up to 12 inches in some parts. The ground was white and fluffy, and a continuous stream of fluff kept falling from the sky. It was absolutely surreal, and incredible and beautiful. But there was one downside, if you could even call it that. Due to the “adverse weather conditions”, buses were cancelled, tubes were partially if not completely suspended, and as such, no one could get anywhere. Schools were cancelled, work was cancelled to some degree, and it was a free-for-all day, gratuitous time for us to play in the snow!
And play I did. London was an absolutely ball of fun that day, and this is the first time I have uttered such words about London without sarcasm oozing from my pores. I put on my snow uggs and my hideous but oh-so-warm goose down puffy jacket and off I went. I trudged through the 8-inch deep snow, played with some of the local kids and took a few happy snaps.

Panu, who unfortunately still had to work that day, got home around 5pm and I forced him to pleeease let’s go back outside so we can build a snowman! Dusk was upon us and we had about 3 minutes to build a snowman, so he turned out rather munted, but hey, we still did it.

Best day I’ve had in London yet!
More snow pics here.
but you seem to be really enjoying life anyway.. is london that bad?
Just for the record I think the coat is awesome
U guys are so cute =)
Like the otters
And Jezze
MC - well, i dont hate it.. but I would prefer Sydney given the choice :) BUT i am always going to make the most of wherever I am :)
Chooken - hehe THANK YOU.. it's seriously like walking around wrapped up in a duvet.. hey I get to see you soon - be in Sydney in March :)
Leon - ahhh the otters *heart*
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