the host
Like many other fans of the Twilight series, when i got to the final page of Breaking Dawn, i felt lost, helpless, hopeless... and without a desire to ever read any other series again. Ever. I'd wander through Borders, touching random book covers and reading blurbs of books whose spines had caught my attention. But... nothing. In despair (oh, me the drama queen), i picked up the other Stephenie Meyer book, The Host, hoping that well, if she did so good with Twilight, she might just do good again.

Again, Stephenie Meyer has managed to turn a potentially thrilling sci-fi story into a love story instead - a great art she mastered with the Twilight series. I did like most of the book... but not the ending, and it's a pity that's what sticks in my mind.
You could read the Millenium series by Steig Larsson. I found that to be really engaging. Sucks that the author died - Then you know there won't be any follow ups....
ah, thanks naechstehaltestelle (what IS your name?!), always happy to receive reading tips :) Right now reading Angels & Demons again though (in preparation for the movie, and going to Rome next weekend!), and then going to read The Kite Runner... what book is on your nightstand?
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