'ludicrous' doesn't even begin to explain...
a fellow blogger posted this article about complaints BBC have been receiving against a presenter on one of their kids shows, CBeebies, solely because the presenter was born with one arm. You would think that in this day and age, acceptance of a person's ability to perform a role would go beyond race, gender and certainly physical abilities. Sadly, it appears we are still living in the Middle Ages, where hunch-backed, one-eyed and perhaps even one-armed creatures dwell in our kids nightmares.

Cerrie Burnell has received such fierce complaints, being accused of positive discrimination (obtaining the role purely because of her disability) and even being called a c*** by one viewer. Like that has anything to do with anything, moron.
i was absolutely flabbergasted and ashamed at society for such a ridiculous backlash. I know, i know, i dont have children so what would i know about what gives them nightmares? I'll admit i know nothing on the subject. But surely keeping images of another human being, one who is perfectly capable and attractive, away from them isn't going to stop the nightmares.
have you seen what else is on the idiot box these days??
ok. vented.
in other news, i am back in London, after a long 23 hour flight from Sydney. I would have been comfortable, however there was a rather large norwegian man spilling into my seat, and oh, he has a bladder the size of a peanut. glorious. nonetheless, happy to be back and getting my cuddles again!
in other news, i am back in London, after a long 23 hour flight from Sydney. I would have been comfortable, however there was a rather large norwegian man spilling into my seat, and oh, he has a bladder the size of a peanut. glorious. nonetheless, happy to be back and getting my cuddles again!
Labels: opinions
Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this is just insanity.
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