still in love

did you think i'd forgotten about him already? Hah, not quite!
at the brink of finishing Breaking Dawn, and I'm still magically, breathlessly, tragically in love with edward.
And now, i've found someone else equally obsessed as me. I won't name her, she'll kill me.. but m'dear how glad I am i can share this with you! Can i come over and watch Twilight with you over and over and over and over again??
at the brink of finishing Breaking Dawn, and I'm still magically, breathlessly, tragically in love with edward.
And now, i've found someone else equally obsessed as me. I won't name her, she'll kill me.. but m'dear how glad I am i can share this with you! Can i come over and watch Twilight with you over and over and over and over again??
RP is hot!
seriously??? eewwww no i can't stand the actor. he's so GAY! edward is a whole different thing... sigh...
more than in love in Edward, I am IN LOVE with what Edward's hair! How does he get it to do that?
Kim - i dont know how he does that, but you know what? it looks even BETTER in bluray ;)
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