our new home
Having said that, 'twas lucky we are alive to enjoy the healing process. The morning of the move, we were greeted by our removalist, a cranky South African fella who was rather non-chalant about his drinking the previous night. Actually, slash. Make that his drinking until 6am on the day he drove us, with all of our precious belongings, from our old place to the new place. To say he reeked of alcohol so much that I was a little tipsy from the fumes would be like casually mentioning that "oh that Brad Pitt guy? yeh, he's just ok looking." Lucky the new place is literally a 5 minute drive down the street.
So we arrived, cleaned, unpacked and settled. The place is great, but not without the usual hiccups. The oven wasn't working, nor was the garbage disposal, and the tv antenna points still aren't. I've missed weeks of 90210 and Janice Dickson's Modelling Agency, god knows how ill-informed I must be now.
But all in all it's been a god-send. The recession has resulted in rental prices dropping significantly and we are renting this place for effectively £10 less a week. What a steal, considering the old place was a shoebox of a mold-infested hole, including Freddie Kruger living in the garage basement, free of charge. It was creepy.
Anyway, having been nagged for photos by the usual suspects, here are a few to squiz at. Don't be alarmed, you folk who live in gloriously big houses with expanse space and gardens. This is still a shoebox yes, but it's all we can afford living in the middle of Londontown.
hey babe! your place looks great!! doesn't look like a shoebox at all... hope to catch up with you soon when you are back! janet xx
i'm seriously blocked from your photo album :(
janet - babe! we are definitely catching up. you know mel c is coming up, right? and she's booked us into sushi-e, as far as i know! *yum* see you real soon! :)
ying - ... i really have no idea??
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