morning routine
this might cause some of you to puke, so beware.
"hey stompy," he always says, because apparently I stomp in. He eats his breakfast sitting on a bar stool, and i waddle over and he gives me the best hug ever. It's the best because it's first thing in the morning, and we're both soft and warm. I nuzzle in his neck and I can smell fresh tea and toast and nuts and all the good stuff he's eating. and I damn near always fall asleep again.
at some stage, i pry myself away and trudge back to the shower... and the day begins.
how can i live without this for five weeks??
incidentally, i told him yesterday that i'd figured out why i'm so sad about going back to Sydney, when all rational reasoning points to the fact that i should be ecstatic. you wanna hear my theory?
it's because i like him more than i like Sydney. And we all know how much i loooooove Sydney. and i dont want to be there, if i can't have him there with me. soppy, right?
you puke yet?
hehe, you're so cute. i don't think i want to count 5 weeks of sleeps with you this time :P
have a good flight home and i'll see you very soon!!
awww really? i need moral support ying!
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