just a little bit of me

About Me
- Name: catty
- Location: London, United Kingdom
i work a corporate job: structured, process driven and completely organised. this blog is my way out, my therapy, and a window into my completely disorganised and passionate world, driven by food, love & emotions. thank you for dropping by!

- adele parks books
- burberry trench
- californication
- carrie bradshaw
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- may '08 paris
- july '08 hamilton island
- august '08 helsinki
- september '08 edinburgh
- october '08 barcelona
- november '08 new york city
- december '08 morocco
- december '08 milan
- april '09 kent & brighton
- may '09 rome
- may '09 barcelona
- june '09 tunisia
stay tuned for...
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- august '09 stockholm
- october '09 la, sf & vegas
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- taking this blog down a gear
- too much of nothing is a good thing
- star trek the movie...
- books that have changed my life
- introducing thecattylife.com
- Gaudi with a side of tapas
- contemplating a move...
- the man himself, Eric Clapton
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Previous Posts
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
no sleeps to go!
'twas a fun weekend, but i'm busy today, so here it is, in photo summary...
Friday night ~ Spanish tapas with the girls @ Encasa
Saturday night ~ giving Maz a haircut... which turned into a Mohawk! I loved it so much that when I grow up I wanna be a hairdresser!
Sunday ~ hangin' at Babs' with Lara, the fattest cutest lil bubba of them all! ... and making like 100 misshapen little cupcakes. they might look funny but they taste damn good!!
and guess what? no sleeps to go!!! and I'm still alive hehehe...
posted by catty @ 7:30 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
sad catty
so, right now i'm quite disappointed in myself... panu has gone on holidays* and i am not functioning without him! i think i do well to trick everyone into believing i'm functioning, but really i'm a mess ~ i'm thinking about him all day, all night, and when my phone receives an sms, i literally dive for it, due to the slight chance that it could be a message from him!
it's all a bit pathetic really. I thought I would be doing much better seeing as I was little miss independent up until not that long ago. But apparently not, so let's just count sleeps ok? 7 more sleeps til he gets back! *sigh*
* Osnabruck, Germany for 10 days, for his friend Timo's wedding, basking in the gorgeous 30 degree sunshine and eating bratwursts to his hearts content. Bastard!
Labels: panu
posted by catty @ 6:50 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
quite often on a weekend, well... more often than not, my first words to panu in the morning is ".... baby..., i'm hungry..." so i'm officially his little porker. but let him not be the only person who will verify my porker status.
on Saturday night, mel, babs, me & our boys went to Hurricanes for dinner. I devoured a whole full rack of ribs, all on my own! YeaaaaHHH! need i say more?
oh yeh, I do need to say more.... like sunday's banana crepes with chocolate & ice cream for breakfast (thanks Babs!), and not one, not two but three delicious enchilada's for dinner!
Labels: food
posted by catty @ 6:32 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
we're back!
We are back from Brissie! relatively unscathed and unscarred from meeting the fockers, but only just! poor panu was the sickest he'd ever ever been, having been bitten by what was possibly the nastiest fugliest flu bug that ever stepped foot on this earth. he was coughing, he was spluttering, he was shivering, he was boiling... he was most definitely in no mood to meet the girlfriend's parents for the first time. but boy do i adore him, he really tried to smile and chat each time his lungs would allow him to suck in tiny breaths of air (before more or less choking on it) and for that, he wins massive brownie points.
the time in brissie didn't seem quite long enough and I didn't catch up with as many people as i had wanted to. i did get in some quality time with ying & tiff & dessert @ freestyle, and also with shari, nadja & mrs skinner @ the jaz bar.... i spent some much appreciated time with my mum catching up on the family goss, and also spent a fair chunk of time biting my tongue as my dad lectured me on money matters. i think he collects his angst on my lack of savings, nurtures it well, and lets it loose nice and strong each time i visit....
all in all in good trip, too short, i miss my mum way too much.....
posted by catty @ 5:45 AM