
Friday, August 17, 2007

i'm it :)

Sha tagged me ages ago, and i've been really slack at getting on with it. but here i am! and here it is!

Foods you hate: i have a sinful, lustful relationship with food so it's really very hard to think of something that i hate. but if i really had to pick something? maybe mexican. cos it's all just beans. beans beans beans. and you know what happens when you have too many beans!

Fruits you hate: considering i have been force fed fruit from a very delicate age you'd think i'd have a deep seeded hatred for fruit. But alas, I dont. I do find some of them boring tho, like apples. *yawn* you know what I love? durian!

Vegies you hate: celery! *eeeeeewwwwwwwwww* *puKe*

Celebrities or people you hate: oh this changes on a daily basis depending on what goss i've just read! today.. probably Britney... she just. can't. get. it. right.

Events/Situations you hate: when you go to work and everyone's looking at your a little funny but you think "hey I look good today!". and then you realised your top is on inside out. oh wait, that was just the other day...

TV Shows/Movies you hate: somebody tell me what the f*** Bondi Rescue is all about. I'm guessing only Sydney-siders have seen this show but really, what a waste of good quality viewing time! Also can't stand anything bollywood *grin* and kath & kim!

Types of music you hate: heavy-frickin'-metal.

Household chores you hate: though it's my most hated chore, i vacuum incessantly, probably because i was an asthmatic child. i guess right after that would be scrubbing the bathtub!

Things you hate about the world: right now? the whole "green" hype. i know i know, i should think about my children's children's children's dog, but what about me now? what if i want to shower for 10 minutes twice a day?? *sigh* i do my bit for the environment but now it seems all "trendy"...

Things you hate about yourself: OooOOo... where to start. if you think i talk a lot out loud, imagine how much i talk in my head! *Hehe*.. seriously, that's a fact ~ i think too much about everything. I'm also extremely detached, which is good and bad. And if I had a genie? I would also lose some belly flab and extend my legs by oh maybe 5 inches..

Man, this is one hateful blog! I'm only gonna tag 2, maybe 3 people i think ~ justin & christine you're it! and may ching if you have time!



Blogger Justin said...

What tha?!

You tagged me in a Blog?! I have never heard of such a thing. But I figure that I need to do something similar. I'll sort it out .. hopefully soon. ;)

1:57 PM  
Blogger Sharlene said...

oh my gosh, thats my profile pic! lol!

anyway...i love durian and i hate celery! and finally! someone who doesn't think that kath&kim rocks their world! it's never interested me, that show. i've always felt a little uncool amongst aussies when they talk about it. i'm a closet kath&kim athiest. i just don't believe ;p

10:39 AM  
Blogger catty said...

hahahaha thats great! we can bond over durian loving celery hating K&K disbelieving!!! :D

12:54 PM  

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