back to reality
it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post! i'm sure my legions on fans out there are just dying for the next installment of cat's tales! well, hold your breath no longer, here it is. granted, i dont have legions of fans - not even a single legion at that - and my tales are mere ramblings of an often absent mind, but hey, at least i'm back.
last week's Cisco Networkers was terrifying and amazing at the same time. remember i said i'd "party harder"? yeh, scrap that! after working 15-17 hour days (no joke!) one wants nothing more than to put their feet up, order in, and watch a movie or two. Months of arduous planning evolved into gruelling setup, involving hours of manual labour, resulting in a myriad of cuts and bruises and a sorely scraped elbow *boo*... anyway, inspite of the insane hours, at least I didnt need to hit the gym last week!
once business was done and dusted i headed home to mum & dad's where i spent the better part of 3 days sleeping. i did, however, manage to have a wee bit of fun in between, catching up with the 2 Di's, having the yummiest dinner at Sono with the girls, and eating the world's most enormous strawberry!