
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

ski bunnies!

true to my resolutions, last weekend panu and i went to Perisher where i learned to ski. i have so much to say about the entire experience that i could write a novel (or a "how to plough for dummies" handbook)... but anyway...

I went through the most enormous cycle of emotions i have ever experienced (in learning a sport anyway)... it's truly incredible ~ there is the anticipation, the nervousness, the excitement, the frustration, the tears (yes, the tears), the falls, the anger, the determination, the sheer pain, the stubbornness, the understanding, the application and eventually the satisfaction... and the blinding exhilaration of finally skiing down a slope!

For those who have done it before, I'm sure you know exactly what I am talking about. For those who haven't ~ my advice? do it, and whatever happens, do not let the mountain break your spirit... I'm living proof that you can break it!

More photos can be found here.

I am now completely and utterly frothing at the mouth to go skiing again. Bring on the European snow!!

oh, and happy birthday to me! and justin! and boonga! and nigel! and other andrew! what a great day *smile*

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Blogger Justin said...

I can't believe you wished yourself Happy Birthday. Hee hee. :D

4:01 AM  

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