just a little bit of me

About Me
- Name: catty
- Location: London, United Kingdom
i work a corporate job: structured, process driven and completely organised. this blog is my way out, my therapy, and a window into my completely disorganised and passionate world, driven by food, love & emotions. thank you for dropping by!

- adele parks books
- burberry trench
- californication
- carrie bradshaw
- david beckham
- edward cullen
- fernando torres
- hummingbird bakery
- jaeger
- karen millen
- longchamp
- rado integral
- april '08 stonehenge & bath
- may '08 brussels & bruges
- may '08 paris
- july '08 hamilton island
- august '08 helsinki
- september '08 edinburgh
- october '08 barcelona
- november '08 new york city
- december '08 morocco
- december '08 milan
- april '09 kent & brighton
- may '09 rome
- may '09 barcelona
- june '09 tunisia
stay tuned for...
- july '09 lille
- august '09 stockholm
- october '09 la, sf & vegas
- cocoon
- dsum2
- fire and stone
- häagen-dazs cafe
- hummingbird
- inamo
- inn noodle
- kiasu
- nobu
- the providores and tapa room
- sake no hana
- the ultimate burger
- chinta ria
- hurricanes grill
- kammmadhenu
- kobe jones
- lindt cafe
- longrain
- the malaya
- mamak
- max brenner
- passionflower
- spice i am
- sushi-e
- toko
- urban bites
- taking this blog down a gear
- too much of nothing is a good thing
- star trek the movie...
- books that have changed my life
- introducing thecattylife.com
- Gaudi with a side of tapas
- contemplating a move...
- the man himself, Eric Clapton
- pippy
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Previous Posts
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Gloomy weather makes me wanna sleep

(Sorry chicks I know this is like the most horrible-lest photo of us but I didn’t take any more!)

Oh and for those who have been asking for a pic of Bab’s rock, you’ll have to wait. I promised Babs I wouldn’t spoil the fun, and she’ll be the one sending those photos out. Stay tuned!
Labels: friends
posted by catty @ 4:35 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005
My weekend

Anyway, on Friday night, Al and I went and watched Saw 2. The original Saw was pretty impressive, so I had high expectations for its sequel. Despite the fact that I spent most of the movie watching through my picket-fence fingers (or staring at the side of Al's face), I still saw each and every gory scene... some that really really made my skin crawl. Again the story line was awesome, the twist not quite as shocking as the original movie, but still there was a fairly decent twist, and an open ending ready for Saw 3. Plus I thought the way it tied back to the Saw 1 bathroom was pretty darn cool.
On Saturday night, I saw Prime. Uma Uma Uma... how hot is Uma? And Bryan Greenberg.. who I know better as "Jake from One Tree Hill" - who ever knew young dad Jake had a bod under there??? Not bad at all. Prime is pitched as a romantic comedy, and while it has all the ingredients of a heart warming (yet heart pulling) romantic comedy, it also delves into some real issues such as religion, and more interestingly the ticking of a woman's biological clock - especially when she's 37, dating a 23 year old. Very interesting.. maybe not so much for the boys... although you do get to see Uma in lingerie more than a couple of times!
So that was my weekend!
And congrats to a certain "somebody!".... will blog about this when it's been made more public!
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 2:51 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Go the Roos!

I can't believe Lee was voted off Australian Idol on Monday night... *bOoOooOooo*... moreso because for the first time I actually picked up my phone and voted. Twice! Damn! That's $1.10 wasted... I know I know, some people *coughleoncough* think he's "gimmicky", but I really liked Lee. I thought he was refreshing, original, and so damn cool! Now we're stuck with two chicks in the final... I should be all girl-power proud, but unfortunately I'm not cos I'm still grumping over Lee's exit...
On another topic, the Socceroos are playing for a place in the world cup tonight (against Uruguay). It'll be something new to see them in there seeing as the poor roo's have been absent since, what? 1974? Sheeesh it's about time. Last time the world cup came around, Loreen and I wagged work to perv at Nakata... hehehehe.... it won't be the same doing it without you Reener!
Go the roos!
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 5:40 AM
Thursday, November 10, 2005
the 7 year itch...
There is an urban legend that couples break up at 7 years. Is it really an urban legend? Biomedicine and Health universities have actually done studies that supposedly prove that at 4 and 7 years (more so at 7), couples' satisfaction with each other sharply declines. Some overcome it, some don't... but it is there. Incidentally the 7 year itch has been applied to other facets of life, such as career (especially in sports).
A friend of mine who has been in a 7 year relationship is starting to get curious. Announcing this to his workmates and me (big mistake!) and attempting to denounce the myth, we've all started giving him examples of the reality of the 7 year itch. I'm sure he regrets telling us! What I was surprised by was how easy it was to find couples who had broken up at 7 years. Besides old stories of people who broke up years ago, while I was thinking about the topic, I found out that a friend who had recently broken up was with his girlfriend for 7 years. And last week a close workmate of mine told me of her breakup... with her beau of 7 years. How weird?
Obviously, many couples will also make it through the 7 years... it's just a strange creature...
Those of you in long relationships... what do you think?
Labels: random
posted by catty @ 3:58 AM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Didata Weekend Away!

Dinner on Friday night was by the main pool... warm, tropical.. and 600 odd Didata staff...

Saturday night's dinner was held in the pavilion, with a great band playing all the great hits, free arcade gaming, a tattoo artist, and a huge chocolate fondue fountain, amongst other cool things! We danced the night away - my feet went from good to sore to numb and then it was all good. When the Pavilion closed at midnight, we moved on to the resort club, Frasers, and partied til the wee hours of the morning...
Sunday was spent struggling through breakfast, shooting some wonky shots at archery, and lastly.... lazing by the pool...
Cheers DD!
Labels: friends
posted by catty @ 11:04 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
restless & frustrated
It's 11am and I am feeling restless already. How am I going to get through the day? I have been feeling particularly irritable at work lately. I'm totally frustrated by:
- this constant crazy humidity
- people who just plough through without hearing what anyone else has to say
- CMS taking forever to post WIP
- people stealing my pens
- people re-adjusting my seat !! (this really pisses me off)
- taking the blame for incompetency
- clients who haggle religiously
- empty milk cartons in the kitchen closest to me
Maybe I'm just frustrated because I'm wearing a skirt. and I want to cross my legs on my seat but I can't.
On a happier note, it's been a week since I last posted and it's been a pretty ok week. On Saturday Kwan & Jothi had their birthday bbq at Bicentennial Park - absolutely gorgeous and warm day, which was awesome, because on Sunday the heavens opened and it poured. I haven't seen it pour to heavily in a long time - I wish I parked my car outside! I also had the pleasure of devouring about 4 of Babs' cupcakes at the bbq. She makes the best cupcakes, if Babs is good for something, it's cupcakes.
Thanks Kate for the pics, I have been way too lazy to download the ones I took, but I will get around to it eventually.
The working week has been all right - it was Melbourne Cup yesterday, I went in an office sweep and picked Makybe Diva for $1 *hehe* so I think I won $24 *wheeeee* Better than losing I say!
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 12:17 AM