broom brooooom!
isn't it funny that when you have something fun to do, getting up before the sun rises isn't really all that hard? On Saturday morning, panu and i voluntarily hauled ass outta bed at 6am ready for our mini road trip! Ok, so i'm sure i whinged a little along the lines of "but baaaaby, it's still night time!" but even still, we managed to leave the house before the sun rose, and saw the most magnificent fog and beautiful sunrise on our way to Port Stephens.
After 4WD'ing about 15kms down the beach, for $140 per person, they basically give you free reign of the little beasts for 2 hours, and man it is fun!!
after hooning around for 2 hours and getting sand in the most bizarre places... like finding a sandpit inside my sneakers, and even more inside my sock *huh??* we checked into the Shoal Bay Resort & Spa for some r&r. located right on Shoal Beach, we headed out just before sunset & saw this view...
now for birthday present part 2, i had to scour the whole damn world to find this, but thank God for amazon. he's getting the complete set of Frank Miller's Sin City.