saturday night in...
I've just realised that tonight is the first Saturday I haven't been out in... nine weeks. No wonder I'm sick.
Labels: just me
i work a corporate job: structured, process driven and completely organised. this blog is my way out, my therapy, and a window into my completely disorganised and passionate world, driven by food, love & emotions. thank you for dropping by!
I've just realised that tonight is the first Saturday I haven't been out in... nine weeks. No wonder I'm sick.
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 12:51 PM
... Mags and her hair
.... Seeing Fritz for the first time in forever
... Talking to Jade & Justin... - what did you call me Justin?? *frown*
... Last but certainly not least, having fun without any influences, alcoholic or otherwise! (thanks chest infection...)
posted by catty @ 6:41 AM
2 things you do when you're bed-ridden sick (besides being horizontal and pulverising the tissue box) :
Also managed to squeeze in some much needed Bold & Beautiful. Sweet... BUT - why the F is Ridge wanting Brooke back??? Hel-LO? Taylor is hot!
(2) You miss your mum
How much do I miss my mum? T H I S M U C H !... what I would give right now to have my mum here to rub vicks on my chest... seriously what I would give for just one hug. The crappy thing is that when I call her (which is almost every day at the moment) I can't sound sad... cos that makes her sad. And it's not like she can really do anything from Brissie.... On a brighter note she's coming in May - 23 sleeps to go, but who's counting??
Nothing, I tell you, nothing beats mum's TLC.
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 3:16 AM
I'm sick as a dog, coughing up some mutant looking phlegm monstrosities... and feeling uber unattractive. boo. I dragged my sorry ass to work anyway because if I took a sickie today, how dodgy would that have looked?! So here I am coughing and spluttering on everyone, so they know I'm sick... hehe..
posted by catty @ 4:41 AM
11.38pm Sunday night and I've just gotten home after being away for almost 2 days. I'm ti-red and looking forward to recovering tomorrow. Recap?
posted by catty @ 2:40 PM
I've got a big fat line-up for Easter weekend.. and here I thought I would be bored.
posted by catty @ 7:15 AM
Labels: friends
posted by catty @ 2:45 AM
is this a coincidence? Paul Walker is on Rove right now. I can't get enough of the guy!
Labels: random
posted by catty @ 1:08 PM
Firstly, how f'ing good was the weather on the weekend?!
posted by catty @ 1:52 AM