embracing the wilderness
Last weekend we (the little urbanites that we are) left the safety of the city and headed out to embrace the wilderness! we travelled about 2hrs northwest of sydney to the newnes, a national park area just on the other side of the Blue Mountains. Reknowned for being absolutely f**cking cold this time of the year, i packed 5 layers on top (3 for the bottom) and off we went on our camping trip.
when i say camp, i mean camp. tents, fires... and not much else! i was bursting with excitement at the thought of going camping because i hadn't done it since, what, school? and we won't devulge how long ago that was.
the drive there was an adventure and a half. the roads were not roads at all, but rocky dirt tracks. at times the boys had to stop the cars, get out and actually figure out the best way to maneuver our cars around the enormous drops and potholes without breaking the cars. aaron did lose a hubcap somewhere along the way though...
enroute to the campsite we dropped by the Glow Worm Tunnel, checked out the little glowing buggers, and continued on our merry way...
once there we built fire, pitched tents, poked sausages on sticks and cooked them in the fire. i loved it. i even loved wandering off into the bush to do my "business", squatting there in the pitch black, praying that the rustling i heard was nothing more than possums and not some venomous snake about to take aim and bite me right on my bare ass!