is it hot in here?
if fernando torres was running towards me like this...

Labels: random
i work a corporate job: structured, process driven and completely organised. this blog is my way out, my therapy, and a window into my completely disorganised and passionate world, driven by food, love & emotions. thank you for dropping by!
if fernando torres was running towards me like this...
Labels: random
posted by catty @ 4:30 PM
once in a while, i stumble upon something which hasn't really peaked my interest in the past and suddenly, as though someone has just flicked the switch, i loooove it. most times it's within reach, sometimes it's just a little stretch (like the soon-to-be-mine Rado), but sometimes, like right now, it's a wee bit beyond my current budget.
Labels: fashion
posted by catty @ 8:30 PM
Once upon a time, a smart cookie, one who did not major in english, came up with the ingenious idea of a breakunch ~ that is, the meal between breakfast and lunch *duH* This smart cookie is Mel C (sadly, no longer an avid blogger).
Labels: food
posted by catty @ 8:18 PM
So I’ve been known to take a photo of myself now and then, mostly reverse shots, and a handful with the assistance of some reflective surface. Panu hates this. He usually rolls his eyes, oooozing thoughts of “you are so vain” without actually saying it. Oh wait, actually no, he does tell me I’m vain. Well, my reason is that if I purely took photos of scenery, there would be no proof I was actually there! Right?
Labels: random
posted by catty @ 2:29 PM
Labels: just me
posted by catty @ 1:56 PM
its 8.45pm and I am sitting here sat-is-fied. it's been one of those days where you actually look at life and realise it's not always big and scary. there are days when you do feel blessed and actually happy to be breathing the air around you, albeit London air... but! today is not about whinging.
posted by catty @ 8:40 PM