sucker for punishment
True, i came out of my first boxing class completely exhilirated and in love with the sport. I even blogged about it that same night! But you should have seen me in the four days hence. d.i.s.a.b.l.e.d.
I may as well have been! the pain completely and utterly blind sided me... like seriously, is this agony for real?
I run, I do pump class, I'm pretty damn sure I can almost crack a nut with my quads ~ my legs are strong. or so I had thought. I was expecting my arms, my chest, my back to ache in the repercussion to my very first boxing class but they were actually fine. my legs, however, what a different story. i have never, and I'm not exaggerating, felt such pain in my legs.. ever.
as of Friday morning, my quads and hamstrings were so. damn. sore. i could not throw my legs out of bed. i couldn't bend my legs in the slightest as I attempted to take each step because walking would mean putting weight on my quads, and nooooo sirreee, they weren't up for it. Eventually I made it to the bathroom and could I sit on the toilet? No! 'course not! cos that would involve weight on my quads! I grasped the seat with my hands, and had to slowly, slooowly lower myself, putting all my weight in my arms. thank god I'm a featherweight.
and that was only the first of many hurdles to come. in and out of the shower - pain. putting my legs in jeans - pain. walking to the bus stop - argh! and as you already know, the sacrifice of walking and in high heels on Friday night. Yeh, I'm vain *grin*
the rest of the weekend and Monday played out in the same way - I really honestly should have had crutches I was in such agony. But thankfully Tuesday saw the pain subside... and Wednesday? Wednesday I'm back in my gloves and at it again. Sucker for punishment...
and i loved it, all over again. Good news is my legs don't hurt today... progress? I can only hope!
Labels: just me
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