beta blogger is the devil

Its complexion suddenly looked sickly spotty, kind of like measles and i knew, i knew, i had done something stupid. Beta blogger had wiped out all of my customisations and replaced them with ye-standard-olde-template. The dots template, no less. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
I know it may not look like much, but i tinker with the HTML on this blog now and then, and am actually quite proud of what i’ve done! But beta blogger, all high and mighty with its Layout Page, where you can lazily drag and drop page layouts, came and Wiped. Me. Out. It boasts that the new layout ability would save bloggers time... and you know I’m not opposed to saving time, but the depth of what you can do with the layout page is so ridiculously limited.
I gave it a go, since I thought my blog was all but ruined *RUINED! GAH!!!* anyway, i may as well try out beta blogger. but I couldn’t do anything that i wanted. The xhtml was crippling, coding everything to the widget. So painfully stifling, even for a basic html’er like myself.
I was so frustrated. I knew it was salvageable – if i was prepared to start a template from scratch again. But i wasn't. and I wanted to cry. And yell (scratch), i mean email nasty obscenities to blogger, but not surprisingly it’s one of those services where the powers that be are hidden behind a cloak of cyber jumble, letters and numbers continuously dripping like the matrix, to protect these mother f*ckers who only provide FAQs, but no real avenue to vent our frustrations.
anyway, i seethed. And after a few deep breaths and a moment of clarity, turned to my very most trusted advisor, Google. It seemed I wasn’t the first to be conned by beta blogger. One click of a search button provided me with instructions on reverting to classic blogger, and with my fingers and toes crossed... i executed the command.
i closed my eyes...
... and refreshed my blog.
and opened my eyes.
Thank the almighty God of Google. My blog is back, just as it always was.